Carbrook Veterans (Vets)
A warm welcome to Carbrook Veteran Golfers.
The following information will assist you in knowing the “routine” on the Carbrook Vets day, Thursday of each week.
Program of events – Refer to fixture book available (free) at the Pro Shop or Office. Trophy events are listed within the Carbrook Fixture Book and on the Carbrook Vets Fixture Card provided by the Vets Committee.
Eligibility – Men — 55 years & over, Ladies — 50 years & over.
Golf Link handicapping system applies.
Weekly comp fees: These fees are currently set as follows.
Carbrook members – $13
Visitors – $20
Fees – An annual fee of $10, for year ending 31 December, applies for both men & women. This fee is payable to the Veterans Treasurer on the day of joining. and becomes payable from 1 December each year.
Membership Card – Financial Carbrook Veteran members are provided with a Queensland Veterans Golf Union Inc. (QVGU) membership card which enables card holders to play in vets competitions throughout Queensland.
Contacts – A booklet is available from the secretary, listing all Veterans days & contact numbers to arrange bookings.
Carbrook Vets Shirts: Veterans shirts can be ordered through the Vets Treasurer.
The first shirt is subsidised by the Carbrook Vets. Further orders are at full cost.
Player Bookings: Can be made a fortnight ahead through the Carbrook Golf Club internet booking system [here] or on the computers at the clubhouse or alternatively through the Pro Shop. Please cancel your booking either by phone, over the internet or on a club computers if you are unable to play. This will allow other people to make a booking or for the Pro Shop to “slot in” a player who may be on standby.
Weekly Presentations: We encourage members to stay for presentation of weekly prizes as this is an opportunity to hear various announcements relating to forthcoming events, rules explanations, course changes, district news, etc and most importantly provides the opportunity for social interaction with the other Vets members. Each week there is a cash raffle.
Competition Results: If you are unable to stay for the presentation the results appear in the following Friday Courier Mail, in the Competition Results of the Carbrook Website or on the Carbrook Vets notice board.
After checking in for your next game, contact a Committee member located outside the club house (near the cash raffle board) for information on how to claim competition awards or rundown balls due to you. N.B. Rundown balls are kept for you for a maximum of 1 month only. If unclaimed they are returned to stock. Unfinancial Carbrook Vets, non QVGU card holders, are not eligible for competition awards.
Interclub Competition: Commences in April each year.
This is an opportunity for you to “play for the club” as well as trying the other courses in the Albert & Logan District at low Veterans competition fees. In conjunction, you will also be playing the District Championships. To participate you will need to nominate. Information regarding the district competition is available from the Veterans Committee.
Veterans Notice Board: The notice board is located in the passageway between the pro shop and clubhouse. Check here for various entry forms, competition results and other relevant information
We encourage members to read Etiquette of Golf in the Carbrook Golf Fixture Book and to gain an sound understanding of the Rules of Golf provided in the R&A Rules of Golf , available from the golf club office or pro shop.
The Carbrook Vets Committee: The Carbrook Veteran Golfers is managed by a committee comprised of volunteer veterans members. These people are passionate supporters of the Carbrook Vets and work hard to ensure that the members interests and needs are met ensuring a friendly golfing environment is provided and maintained.
Carbrook Vets members are invited to serve on the Committee and encouraged to nominate for office bearer positions which are filled at the AGM, usually conducted in November.
To enable you to obtain information about the Committee positions, Roles and Responsibilities documents have been developed and are available as a link to this document. [Click for link to R&R documents]. This information is also available from Vets Committee members. These documents provide information on what is required from those interested in serving in these positions.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to speak with a member of the committee (listed in the Carbrook Fixture Book and on the Carbrook Vets Fixture card).
The committee work hard to ensure your Vets day is an enjoyable one. Carbrook is known widely as the “Friendly Club”. and we endeavour to maintain this reputation.
Once again welcome to Carbrook Vets.